Culinary seafood company Bos Seafood

An independent family business since 1980, our name and experience guarantee fish and seafood of the very best quality.

The international assortment includes all sea and freshwater fish, seafood, both fresh and frozen. We like to go for an open long-term cooperation. Bos Seafood guarantees top quality, fresh products, good service, expert advice, surprising new variations and low prices!

The Company

Bos Seafood profiles itself as the Culinary Fish Company for the segments: catering, wholesale, institutional, fish (wholesale) trade, retail and export.

Our name and experience guarantee fresh fish of the very best quality. Our staff is ready to advise and inspire you in the composition of the assortment or menu, and supervise the careful processing, packaging and delivery of your order.

Fish is healthy

It is becoming increasingly clear that eating fish is a healthy habit. Scientists are therefore drawing the conclusions that eating fish once or twice a week is very good for you.

And you really don’t just have to think about fish with a hot meal. Even a bite of herring in between meals, a slice of bread with a fish salad or a toast with steamed mackerel counts. And that goes for everyone, from young to old!

Natural products are healthy. So no pesticides, flavors, colors or preservatives. Scientific research has shown that natural or organic products often contain more vitamins and nutrients. So they contribute to a healthy lifestyle and sustainable fish.


Sustainability is the starting point for Bos Seafood throughout our operations. This includes the themes of People, Planet, Pleasure and Profit.

We strive to provide our customers not only with better, tastier and more sustainable products, but also to strive for a higher level of inspiration for all involved. Not for nothing has our slogan Bos Seafood been “a net of inspiration” for many years.

Address details

Bos Seafood
Kanaalweg 7
8356 VS Blokzijl

tel. +31(0)527-29 16 87
fax +31(0)527-29 12 90


Your advisors

Pieter Bos
+31(0)6-543 44 197

Henk Addinga
+31(0)6-508 78 759

Hessel Halma
+31(0)6-553 44 033

Jan Douwe Zelhorst
+31(0)6-832 02 810

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