The Company

Bos Seafood profiles itself as the Culinary Fish Company for the segments: catering, wholesale, institutional, fish (wholesale) trade, retail and export.

Our name and experience guarantee fresh fish of the very best quality. Our staff is ready to advise and inspire you in the composition of the assortment or menu, and supervise the careful processing, packaging and delivery of your order.

The best quality starts with the best care

For us, as a fish supplier, this means thorough quality control in the chain from catch or farming to delivery. We keep everything in our own hands or work through suppliers so that we can guarantee the freshness and quality of our products. As a fish supplier, we show commitment and passion to the customer and only want to work with a top fresh product and thus the best quality.

A good relationship starts with a satisfied customer

Our service as a supplier of fresh and frozen fishis only complete when our product meets your requirements. That is why we do not take any chances. We consider a long-term relationship as a fish supplier important: an open collaboration aimed at mutual success. And what better proof of that than the satisfaction of you and your customers?

If you would like more information about us as a fish supplier of fresh and frozen fish, please contact sales department.
They will give you expert advice and can make an appointment with you for a comprehensive introduction to our “net of inspiration.”


Always personal contact with one of our salesmen or buyers.


Delivery of a customer-specific assortment. Customized products of fresh and frozen fish.


Flexible purchasing. Bos Seafood delivers fresh and frozen fish several times a week. So that’s ideal.


Good advice at procurement moments.


Bos Seafood has low overhead costs, buys very large volumes, so can supply fresh and frozen fish very competitively.


Direct contact with experienced fish specialists.

Address details

Bos Seafood
Kanaalweg 7
8356 VS Blokzijl

tel. +31(0)527-29 16 87
fax +31(0)527-29 12 90


Your advisors

Pieter Bos
+31(0)6-543 44 197

Henk Addinga
+31(0)6-508 78 759

Hessel Halma
+31(0)6-553 44 033

Jan Douwe Zelhorst
+31(0)6-832 02 810

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